Friday, February 28, 2014

One of unique models in the world

Have you known unique models in the world? This is probably you will find here. She's Ioana Spangenberg. Ioana admits that they want to gain weight so she does not look too different from women in general. People still often take pictures when passing on the road, but now Ioana is more to enjoy. After years of hating her body is different, now that she was thrilled with all the attention she got from this uniqueness.

Originally Romania beautiful women as One of unique models   is very inferior to her unorthodox. How not only wide waist circumference of 20 inches, equivalent to 50 cm. As a comparison, Ehtel Granger has a waist circumference of 13 inches and was named as the owner of the world's smallest waist. Of course you still remember the spectacular picture of clad Victorian clothes style.

Ioana Spangenberg as one of unique models was Ethel Granger in this modern era. But unlike Granger should torture yourself with a super tight corset of the year, Ioana get small waist, just like that. No one believes when Ioana stressed that eating enough servings to three meals a full menu and still eat chocolate and chips every day.

as a unique model with a super tiny waist, stature of Ioana's  be different with women in general. Upper and lower parts of the body appear normal, but narrow at the waist to resemble the hourglass. Of course this makes all eyes look when Ioana passed, and she was not comfortable with it.

Everything changed when Ioana met her husband, Jan, in 2006. January encourage Ioana to be confident with her ​​body and even encouraged him to post some pictures online. This apparently small steps pave the way Ioana as a model, various modeling job offers started flowing to her.

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