Thursday, February 27, 2014

sexy pointy shoes

Michelle has several times used popular  pointy shoes  a few years ago thanks to Sex and the City. On the occasion of the inauguration parade husband, U.S. President Barack Obama, in January 2013, Michelle wore the same style of boots.

The trend has shifted platform shoes to sexy  pointy  shoes. Despite the defeat looming, the shoe was clearly not less sexy.

When changing haircut earlier this year, First Lady Michelle Obama getting the United States insists that he should other women who love to change the style and following trends. However, it now appears that is not just limited to hair ponytail eyes are favored woman dubbed the world's fashion icons.

Michelle apparently also followed the trend of pointy toed shoes (pointy shoes). Late last month, when appearing on the ABC show, Good Morning America, 49-year-old woman completes turquoise cocktail dress with matching color pointy shoes. The interviewer, Robin Roberts, also coincidentally wore the same shoe model. Clearly pointy shoes were a trend.

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