Wednesday, February 26, 2014

help for shopaholics for women

Are you shopaholics? or probably you're awared of being shopaholics. It's complicated for you if you don't understand, until your close people say to you that you are shopaholics. There is solution or help for shopaholics.

In the case of help for shopaholics, there is severe cases of shopaholics. You spend too much beyond your budget, even you spend  credits out of limit. For severe cases might you change phone numbers because it is too often pursued by debt collectors are unable to pay your credit card bill, there have been countless times they came to the house, even a 'visit' to the office.

Help for shopaholics for you get impulsive spending. This happens if you purchase a product or service without thinking. Well, if the continuity ends so compulsive spending that usually occurs because of addiction, depression, anger, or boredom.

You buy stuff that is not needed. If you buy things just because they want to buy, not because of need. His intentions piece, finally out of the store with more than 5 pieces of clothing.

You frequently violates the agreement. You allocate budget for shopping is often violated. And do not expect to save money. Be difficult to pay the bills!

You are tacit to avoid being forbidden. After purchasing shoes, you put it in the closet. Because there are many pairs of shoes you have, to be sure that he or caught by the mother, you will be scolded. Moreover, they already know your shopping habits are excessive and there have been countless times you fight over this issue. In addition, you secretly have a few pieces of credit cards. Once the reason for the 'just in case', but now it's not for emergencies anymore. You like getting lost without a credit card in your wallet, because you rarely use cash bought.

You return Goods you have already bought. Feeling guilty, you try to return the item. And to celebrate, you shop again.

choose shopping alone. Typically, a shopaholic's  more pleased for shopping alone. as such, she can buy whatever she wants without any 'other voice' that hold them.

Black Out! Yes, the signs of a shopaholic is to forget that he ever bought something. When unloading the closet, find some that have not been worn, complete with price tag. Sometimes forgotten, "where did you buy it?"

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