Monday, April 14, 2014

Proper women fashion style

This can be indicated to Proper women fashion style and that means women should tend to have the character of female.

Being feminine does not mean you have to lose yourself figure that actually boyish, cheerful or private suddenly became quiet. Be gentle or wearing tight clothing is also not something that makes you considered as a feminine figure for suitable women fashion style. Can also be feminine manner shown in the selection of dress and make up.

Trying feminine look will not change your image of good women fashion style into a different figure. Instead will be showing us a woman completely. Feminine style also will be a mainstay style for an afternoon family event or gathering with friends and family.

Some tricks of Lena Penteado one personal stylist and also Fashion and Style Blogger will transform your look more attractive with a feminine touch. This style also can still create with the style you like.

Let's Wear Make up to be more girly

Do not have to dress up with a thick layer of foundation 5 to get the look feminine. No need too extravagant color eyeshadow on your eyes. Enough with a little mascara and glossy lipbalm on the lips, it makes you look more fresh and interesting.

Let's modify your Hair

If you usually like to simple hairstyle with a ponytail tie, occasionally try different styles. Try and stylish side braid like Arabian princess will membangkitka confidence. Or would loose bun style that is a trend? Please try!

Let's use high heels

Try using a high heel to get the overall look of the feminine. Not that flat shoes do not make you feminine, but with extra high heels will add graceful and charming impression.

How about using accesories

Accessories for women and men differently. If men can look attractive with a wide range of variety of watches and hats. For women, the number of accessories on offer there are thousands of types from head to toe. You can add earrings, bracelets or even mild scarft to beautify your appearance.

nail polish

By adding color to your nails suit with makeup or clothes, will add to the mood and cheer you. Choose a color that is not too flashy, too many patches or things that will actually make your hand movements. Do not hesitate to buy a few colors of nail polish because it will beautify the look of your hands.

Let's show your body shape

Show the body shape to make it look feminine does not mean wearing skimpy and tight clothes. Choose pieces of clothing that gives the silhouette of your body. Try V-Neck t-shirt creation without seeming redundant you will also add to the impression feminine. Dres wear with leggings also will show a beautiful curve of your foot.

Let's take dress

If you want to wear a long dress, make sure there is a belt on the waist to get your body shape. And never use a long canal with flat shoes. If you want to use flat shoes, wear short skirts or low-cut dress.

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