Friday, April 11, 2014

smart looking to get more respect

Smart people always get center of interest due to change the world and it means that we apply smart looking to get more respect.

Appearance would be important to a career woman because there are many people who will be your co-workers who assess the performance of what you wear or how you look. Let's do smart looking into your daily life.

You would also want to look attractive but too tacky and an eyesore. Appearance is said to be the first thing to assess because when you first meet someone, was the first appearance will be seen. If you want to look okay, make sure you choose the conditions and situations. and smart looking can be applied on first impression.

Not only the dress and manner of speaking, you can look smart by choosing the ingenious accessories that you bring to the office. Yuhuu .. Here Vemale accessories give any tips that could have you take it.

Using Glasses to improve your smart looking

Sunglasses are synonymous with a smart impression, but also not uncommon to impress geeky glasses close. Selection of the right glasses for your facial contours will greatly affect your overall appearance. Your home may look geek chic with frills. Geeky but cool. Choose sunglasses with classic frame style to your office.

Use Bag in order to be smart look

Ever notice your coworkers with a bag as if you could put the whole thing on the table? Well, carry bag it will make you look okay while in office and of course the long-awaited moment the lunch break. You should bring a bag with a large size, but make sure what is in it is not a substitute for your wardrobe. Bring items that are important just like a purse, makeup tools and mobile remedy.

Use Earring to complete your smart looking

Who would have thought the earrings can affect your appearance? Well, little things that stick in your ears this does have an important role in your appearance. Yes even if you want to look stunning when in the office, does not mean you have to choose earrings that scene. Just choose simple earrings with a simple accent. Do not forget to adjust the clothes you wear.

Use Gadget to make you look smart

Now it's a lot of accessories for mobile phones that blink-blink sheen on the outside. You can dress up your mobile phone or tablet to replace the casing that will create a distinct impression by people who see it. Do not be too lively because you want to create the impression of a professional woman instead of a teenager.

Use Beautiful pen

Remember what accessories are identical to the secretary in the comedy series Mr. Taka Office Boy who once was booming? Yup, pretty pens with cute ornaments. You can have one characteristic pen that later you will make you recognizable as the pen. But remember, choose decorations that are not excessive. Customize with your style.

Well, 5 above accessories are accessories that you can choose to be brought into the office. If the accessories you retaurant what ya Ladies? let's share in the comments!

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