Sunday, February 2, 2014

fashion styles for women are revealed by Lauren Hutton

Try to learn about fashion come from the expert and experienced model. This tips probably will be helpful for you. You will know more about  fashion styles for women revealed by Lauren Hutton

Yep, that's Lauren Hutton tips about fashion styles for women. With the unique way, she tried to raise the confidence in all women that they should be proud of what they have.

One day, Lauren, who works as an actress and model J.Crew asked to choose her own clothes and that will determine the fashion style for women which she wear in the photo shoot. The result?

"SHe was a character, classic, and beautiful. He really understands what he wants and what he should do," said Marissa Web, vice president of women's design J. Crew. "And he knows how to mix 'n' match and add unique accessories that certainly we like."

Confidence and skills in fashion idol is indeed admirable. The secret?  You will find 10 important things about the fashion style for women that you can apply from an inspirational fashion icon:

Let's show your best to apply your fashion style

"Style is a part of fashion. Various things you learn can help you determine which ones should be taken or not, according to what is most suitable for you."

Now, are you prepared to be self-confident figure? If not, then you are required to apply this lesson 10 now.

Let's make it look simple

"Surely you do not want to look like someone who spends time just to dress up, is not it?"

Don't be perfect

"Make you look as if you were wearing it at random rather than make it look as neat as possible. I love when what I'm wearing is not very balanced, asymmetric, and a bit of a mess."

Making friends with the opposite

"I like to mix expensive items to the inexpensive item, or a combination of unusual style worn together. Try to display it in a unique way and see what happens. So fresh."

Know yourself

"Try to recognize yourself. One of the secrets to be able to more easily recognize yourself is to listen to what others think about your appearance. Especially if you get the same criticism or advice repeatedly from different people. Whatever people say , immediately look at yourself in the mirror and take note. gotta be something you can do with this opinion "

Ultimate comfort

"The most important thing is comfort in appearance. If you are comfortable with what you wear, then your mood feels better then the better the effect on your facial fe

Trying new things? Why not?

"Many mistakes in trying new things are possible, but that the process of identifying your true style. Youth not rightfully be used to try out new things? Usually at the age of 50, you begin to understand the character style you because you went through a variety of experiences . however, that does not mean you should stop trying new things is not it?

Have an open mind

"When shopping, I like to visit every department from the department of women, men, and children. At the children's section, I see things are funny and make me laugh ..."

Wherever you are shopping, it's OK

"I want to wear anything that deserves to be me, no matter where I get it."

Take a chance

"Do not be shy to play the color, find the color that best matches your skin tone. I really like the colors combine unusual colors such as orange and blue as the colors have the same color sharpness."

The above lessons will make you more confident and bring you into better fashion style in your life. Let's apply it into your daily life.

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