Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The secret of first lady dresses is always fashionable and stylish

Everyone is always curious about The secret of first lady dresses, Michele Obama is always fashionable and stylish
In addition to Kate Middleton, one of the women in addition to the famous leader also lauded Michelle Obama is a fashion tastes for first lady dresses. A woman who has become one of the highlighted since its appearance with U.S. President Barrack Obama.
You know, Ladies? In addition to smart to choose clothes to wear so that she always looks fashionable, Michelle has 3 secret principle to look fashionable for her first lady dresses. Only 3? Yups, just as easy as the following 3 things.
In accordance season clothes? Also not
In addition to appropriate ocassion clothing, clothing should also be adjusted with the seasons. But according to the smart mom on this one, we can really wear summer clothes when it is wintertime.
Dress you-can-see this dry season, can be combined match with a blazer for the appearance of a simple but warm in the rainy season coming months. Cost-efficient clothes shopping right?
Clothing Last Year = New Clothes
Please check your closet, find the clothes that have been worn for years not to be used again. Fashion is always spinning and high school favorite jeans jacket can be worn cross-eyed again for a date with a boyfriend / husband.
Recycle Old Clothes
If you want a new air in your wardrobe. Try to take some old clothes that had been the fashion to use. Consult with a tailor can change its shape to be more trendy.
Because it does not have to appear fashionable for new clothes, Michelle has 3 recipes above that appearances can always be fashionable and classy. Easy is not it? Try it and get your classic style, Ladies.



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