Friday, May 2, 2014

stylish, elegant and fashionable business clothes for women

Being career women is common and normal and stylish, elegant and fashionable business clothes for women are a must for recent days.

There is a sentence that says , " always look good never hurts , because we never know who will meet today" . The sentence is correct and very precise . But sometimes , busy taking care of the household and other activities to make women have run out of energy to think about what the best clothes to wear that day . Especially for working women , business clothes for women are always required in the closet is safe blazer and skirt color like black , brown and gray which if used continuously will affect boring . So it should be , sometimes you are welcome to explore the contents of the closet and start playing colors on your appearance .

And to help you to get back to work while looking beautiful spirit , we provide some references to women's work style look with a more feminine style, but still polite . 5 style street style for the working woman worn by these beautiful women , good luck to help you to get stylish and elegant  business clothes for women .

Wearing a floral dress for a sweet girl to work as this one can enter in the list you know Ladies . Own chosen blazer with a soft plain colors to neutralize the already crowded dressnya motif . Handbag deliberately chosen to accompany colored blazer . While flat shoes matched with the color motif at dress . Making the overall appearance still nice and polite despite having meetings with clients without excessive memorable .

Neutral and Formal for stylish business clothes for women

Are you Tired to find style with blazer ? Work does not have to always wear Ladies formal wear with a blazer . Instead , in order to remain polite boss you can choose a long sleeved blouse without buttons . Paired with a mini skirt for a neat and stylish impression as selected by the tan -skinned woman .

To add to the impression of a formal , Monica chose wedges with neutral colors that match the clothes he was wearing . As a fashion statement , Monica also added a necklace with a pendant that is quite eye catching as a point of interest from the day outfitnya .

Sweet Feminine for career women clothing

With a sweet feminine fashion statement , Citra choose to wear a blouse and skirt color matching . As for the handbag , long-haired women choose a lighter color so that the whole outfit more alive . Coupled with accessories such as necklace with matching heelsnya , she can finish her ​​works perfectly today .

Lovely Loafer

Who says you can not go to work with your lovely loafers ? Casual aura can be directly captured from the petite woman . Well Ladies , this style can be included in your listberbusana while working .

Selection motives mini dress with black and white stripes make it as if to say " I'm not lazy to work " . Coupled with a long cardigan color matching , Pitta makes the execution of the overall appearance memorable polite and fairly formal . While , loafernya combined very well with the color of the necklace .

Pant Touch for working women dress

If you 're lazy to wear a skirt while working , please make this one outfit as a reference . To keep generating the impression of a neat , beautiful woman who has a white buttoned blouse . Color matching wedges that she wore .

While the dark color of the pants combined with handbagnya that seems harmonious . In order not to produce effects that are too simple , Natasya add accessories statement necklace with a pendant in the form of a fairly full .

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