Friday, February 21, 2014

Try to differ kimono and yukata

Let's try to differ Kimono Yakuta. Both are traditional Japanese dresses. Both has spesific types to be differed.

For the layman it seems difficult to distinguish between a kimono yukata as both traditional Japanese clothing that is similar but not the same.

Kimono  yukata together tightly closed body. Unlike the European clothing that make up the body, kimono and yukata more loose that the bend in the chest and hips are not visible.

"Better if you look straight, thin old man wearing a towel or pillow in certain parts so as not to look thin curves," explains Kai, practitioners of kimono in Japan Foundation on Tuesday.

According to Kai, although of the same shape, kimono and yukata was different. In terms of materials used, for example, kimono  are usually made of silk , yukata while made of cotton.

That's why yukata worn for casual events, such as festivals. The cool cotton yukata is often used to make in the summer.

While the kimono can be worn in different seasons, for the winter, the kimono has inner lining so that the wearer feel warm.

In addition, the kimono worn for formal occasions such as weddings, parties, and graduations.

Silk kimono requires special care, can not be washed origin.

"If yukata can enter washer or hand washed, the laundry that need special kimono, so it must be careful to use it," said Kai.

He added, kimono can be treated with either lasting up to several generations.

Another difference is the use of kimono and yukata socks. Kimono wearers must wear special socks are combined with wooden sandals or geta, yukata while not necessary.

Kimono and yukata for women alike wrapped obi at the bottom of the chest. However, kimono obi for more width and shape can be made more grandiose, such as the shape of a butterfly.

There is also a kimono obi using the pillow in the back to create a graceful shape. Obi for yukata is simpler and does not require a pillow in the back, just set up the tape.

Obi yukata men thinner, simple and twisted at the waist. For formal wear, men's wear kimono and hakama Japan as subordinate.

Thus, we now understand that there are many traditional Japanese clothing. We  just know Kimono until now. This will enrich our knowledge about Japanese culture.

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