Friday, January 3, 2014

How to look younger than your age?

Have you remember the song titled by Forever Young sung by Alphaville. I remember the lyrics, "forever young, I want to be forever young.. etc." That song make me believe everyone want to be forever young. I means they look younger than their age. Therefore, people should know how to look younger than your age.

Always  looking younger than your age is the desire of every woman. Many artists perform a variety of expensive treatments to look younger. Will you always look younger every day? how to look younger than your age?

Let's try all these easy tips how to look younger than your age. Who would not want to stay young and look younger?

It is very easy and simple how to look younger than your age.

Let's take a walk every day to prolong your life. Walking good for your body. In addition to improving blood flow in the body, the legs also train your muscles. Muscles that are trained to make you look more refreshed, and triggers a sense of fun and comfortable. So you can look fresh, healthy and youthful.

Choose clothing with bright colors.  Bright colors will greatly affect your appearance. Do not overuse the dark colors just because they want to look slim. Look slim is not always influenced by the color. Design and pieces of clothing are also a big influence. But the brightly colored clothes always give the impression that the younger you are.

Choosing a bright color clothes sometimes becomes difficult for you. Fear is arguably too 'flirtatious' must have appeared. Do not worry about it too much. Search only bright colors that match your skin. Match also designs and shapes your body. Age you will look younger 2-3 years.

Do not forget to drink tea. Actually, tea contains antioxidants. The benefits derived are caring for your skin health. Helps prevent wrinkles and premature aging. Tea also helps care for the beauty of the body. Tea gives a sense of relaxation and comfortable for your body. Justify you have benefited very much from this tea.

Following short hair styles. One thing you know is a big impact. Do not ever ignore this important matter. And do not be afraid to cut your hair short. Short hair styles in addition to practical, it also gives the impression of more fresh. Of course you must be clever to choose a model. Try finding some short hairstyles. Consult your subscription salon. Add attractive colors and fit for your skin. Do not be afraid to experiment.

You should always stand and sit in an upright position. Standing and sitting in an upright position for you. In addition to maintaining the stability of the body. Body shape is also affected by your movement. If we are sluggish, often bending the bones gradually you will follow. Sit in an upright position also affects the abdominal shape you know. Few hold your stomach when seated. Do it continuously. Your stomach will be slimmer. Do not believe? Please prove it first.

Smile is the most youthful drug efficacious. Drugs are not going to make us lose, do not need the money, and is not addictive smile. Plenty of smiles. 1000 will bring a smile on every second of our youth. There is no harm in it your first smile on the people you meet on the street. In addition to youth, adding new relationships as well.

Chewing gum as facial gymnastics. Many people doing gymnastics in hopes of reducing facial wrinkles on the face. You can do it yourself. Wherever and whenever. The trick? Like candy right? Iya. Sweets can reduce boredom, and you always need to keep your breath fresh. Try replacing your sweets with gum. Chewing is a great activity for facial gymnastics. Can be done at leisure, in the office, on the road. Not disturbing others. And do not take your busy.

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