Thursday, December 12, 2013

The secret stories of fashion high heels

Toronto: This is something which probaby we do not know. Probably, you never imagine before. It's better to you know about The secret stories of  fashion high heels.

So far users seem pretty high heels, provocative and sexy, but not a few who say this kind of shoes is not practical, and not the right choice for walking, climbing or driving.

Indeed, high-heeled shoes is not designed for walking and of course for the ladies.

But it turns out, high heels are now mostly worn by women, had become an important accessory for men for generations.

"High heels shoes once used for centuries throughout the east as a form of footwear for riding," said Elizabeth Semmelhack from Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, Canada.

Riding skills is essential in fighting in the Persian style, or now known as Iran. Well, high heels adaah important accessory.

"When the soldiers standing on the footrest, high heels helped him to remain in his position so he could shoot arrows effectively," said Semmelhack.

At the end of the 16th century, Shah Abbas of Persian origin have cavalry in the world. He is very interested to have a relationship with the authorities in Western Europe for help against the enemy, the Ottoman Empire.

So in 1599, Abbas sends first Persian diplomatic mission to Europe - all countries Russia, Norway, Germany and Spain.

Surge of interest in something that smells of Persia is happening in Western Europe. Persian shoe model was adopted by one of the aristocrats of the use of high heels.

When the lower classes began to use high-heeled shoes, the aristocracy also increase the size of the rights in their shoes so as not equal.

"One of the best ways to describe the status is through with something that is not practical," Semmelhack said, adding that among the upper classes always use something that is not important, uncomfortable and expensive clothing to show their status.

"They were not in the field to work and they do not have to walk far."

One of the kings who use high-heeled shoes is Louis XIV of France, with a red lining. Later, Charles II of England role in coronation portrait in 1661, shown by the red shoe with the style of the French right.

In the 1670s, Louis XIV issued an edict containing only the court is allowed to use red heels.

Although the first adopted by men, but later used by fashion women begun to include menswear elements in their clothing.

"In 1630's you can see the women cut their hair, adding insignia on their clothing," Semmelhack.

"They smoke, wearing a cap which makes them more masculine. And this is the reason why women adopt high heels - is an effort to incorporate masculine elements into their clothing."

But the trend was happening until the 17th century, along with the changing trends.

"You can see the changes on the right shoe," said Helen Persson, a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. "The men began to use the right shoe box, and lower, while women use a slim heel."

In the 1740s the men stop using the high heels. After the French Revolution, heels also disappears from the fashion style of women.

But then, in the mid-19th century, high heels again appear in a  picture postcards featuring a bare model by using high heels.

That means we can conclude that this event about the postcards showing women using high heels became the sign which the high heels used by women  for first time.

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