Wednesday, December 18, 2013

fashion advice for women

How do I look today? that's question to other when they need people to assess their look. Is it good or bad? Probably, we can talk to fashion adviser. That's right we need fashion advice for women.

This is good fashion advice for women. If you have a round  and wide inclined face, you can choose a dress with a V-neck collar model or taper. Meanwhile, if you tend to face a long, dress with high neck collar or lapel width can make your face look more round.

Not just the face that plays an important role in appearance. The way we dress also played a role as well, to determine if we perform well enough or even fall apart. Therefore, you need to select the type of clothing and accessories that fit the shape of the body. Here are some tips or fashion advice for women  that may help deal with your appearance.

You are short and fat, you should avoid clothes made of thick material, such as balloon pants or a wool sweater. Instead choose clothes made ​​from lightweight and thin with muted / neutral colors. If clothing must be patterned, choose small  or horizontal patterns, as it will give the  long and thin  impression on the body.

For subordinates, choose a skirt 'fall' or along a standard (not wide and narrows it down), while for the pants, choose the model of standard pieces. Avoid baggy pants, nor cutbray models, both of which can lead to the impression of width.

For accessories, choose one that is not too big and flashy. Avoid belts or buckles are large, and double buttoned blazer.

If you are thin and tall, then you can deal with your appearance by wearing garments made ​​of thick material or loose clothing size (as opposed to body fat and short) so that your body does not look emaciated.

Choose the type of clothing and accessories that have the impression fattening, such as  large or horizontal plaid shirt, great accessories, balloon pants, double buttoned blazers, wide collar, or a big belt.

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