Monday, April 22, 2013

Every girl or woman can be super model

Everyone, especially, every girl or woman can be super model. Wow, it's extraordinary. We know that only several pretty and slim girls can be supermodel. Now, the wide chances come to everyone who has strong motivation of fashion.

When you look at the models on stage swaying catwalk, perhaps you would imagine the ideal woman image, beautiful, perfect and highlighted the world. But actually, in this world, not all women in such ideal conditions.

There's no perfect figure. There are fat but smart woman, a woman whose leg was not perfect but smiling, there are black, white, yellow, and there are many women in this world is not as perfect picture of a beautiful model on the catwalk. But, surely Vemale Friend agree that all of these women still have the right to look beautiful.

Well, Debenhams is one of the famous fashion brand in the UK. These labels make a breakthrough by using models from various groups to publicize her clothes. The goal may be simple, like to become a leading fashion brand in the UK, but how this opens the opportunity for women from anywhere, with any condition to be highlighted models of the world.

Debenhams flaunt gorgeous dress modeled by women who had been amputated leg. But that did not diminish the beauty of clothing. They also use the model chubby bikini to show off her curvy identical with slim body. Ugly? No. It is precisely this kind outfit will ogled many women because the fact is, women want to look beautiful in the dress picture reflections are most similar to themselves ..

"We hope that this step can make a lot of people (women) are more comfortable with their bodies," said PR Director of Debenhams.

Debenhams did not seem to do it with half-and-half. They took the old models, young, black, white to who was not perfect. Debenhams became a fashion brand that is able to embrace this year consumers of all ages, sizes, and needs. Can all look fashionable, can all look beautiful.

Fashion experts agree that the breakthrough was made Debenhams should be emulated by many other brands. Women as the largest consumer fashion, need to get the comfort of their body while admiring the clothes in the window or the magazine they want. No more cravings, everyone can be beautiful and stylish. What about you, ladies?

Don't feel inferior when you face the reality that you are unqualified as model. What you need, is simple. You need to explore and develop your inner beauty.

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